Let's Get Fit



A training regimen is essential if you want to increase your strength, gain muscle, or reduce weight. It assists you in becoming closer to your fitness objectives.

We spoke with a bodybuilder of Let’s Get Fit Calcot and a personal trainer. He stressed the importance of having a fitness schedule. In addition, he kindly offered men three different weekly workout plans: an advanced, an intermediate, and a beginner’s plan. These workout regimens are made to help you gain strength and muscle.


Everybody who exercises benefits from having a workout plan; we’ve outlined the main benefits of workout plans below. But even without a set schedule, if you’ve just been to the gym for a short while (less than a year), you can still notice good improvements. This is commonly known as “newbie gains.” It results from early training-stage fast muscular development and neural changes.

Having a workout schedule becomes even more important if you’ve been working out for more than a year (intermediate level) or at least two to three years (advanced level). This is because improvements eventually plateau, and consistent, productive training is necessary to continue improving.

We have gym workout plans for all levels below

What are the benefits of having a workout plan for men?

Goal focused

Define your goals clearly before creating an effective exercise program. Which is your goal: more power, more muscle, or less weight? Determining your fitness objectives facilitates the creation or adherence to a strategy that supports your aims, thus increasing your chances of success.

Eliminates guesswork

Going grocery shopping without a list is like going to the gym without a plan. Even if you complete the task, there’s a good possibility you’ll skip over crucial workouts and wind up performing some you didn’t need to. When you have a plan, you are aware of exactly which workouts to perform at what time.

Efficient workouts

The effectiveness of your workouts can be greatly increased by following an exercise regimen, particularly during peak gym hours. Rather than stumbling around looking for workouts, you may quickly locate the equipment you need and move through your regimen with ease.

Progressive overload

It’s important to progressively raise the difficulty of your sets by increasing weight, repetitions, duration under strain, or lowering rest if your goal is to improve strength, power, endurance, or muscle. However, if you switch up your workouts every time, it gets harder to accomplish this gradual overload. You may track and adjust your training with an exercise plan, which will allow you to increase the intensity of your sessions each week.

Easy to track

A fitness plan makes it easier to monitor your development and make the required corrections. This increases accountability and incentive while also making it easier for you to identify when something isn’t working. Having a plan in place makes it easier to adjust and advance.



You can design your exercise regimen. But if you’d rather stick to a set schedule, he has created weekly gym training routines for men who are intermediate and advanced. Building muscular mass and improving strength and endurance are the main goals of these programs.

Every workout should start with a five- to ten-minute warm-up and end with some cooling-down stretches. Choose a weight so that you can perform the desired number of reps with just one or two reps left. For instance, ensure that you are unable to lift more than 11–12 repetitions if your target rep range is 8–10.