Let's Get Fit



Losing weight is a big deal for many people. But it’s not just about losing it; it’s about keeping it off too. That means having a plan you can stick with. You need to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Setting crazy goals or trying to do too much at once isn’t the way to go. It’s better to make small changes you can actually do. That’s what will help you keep the weight off in the long run. Let’s Get Fit has some tips on how to do this with their workouts and diet suggestions.

What is weight loss management?

Managing weight loss isn’t just about shedding pounds quickly. It’s also about changing habits and making small lifestyle tweaks to keep the weight off for good. We can break it down into two parts: losing weight and then keeping it off. To understand this better, let’s first look at how our bodies use energy.

  • High-intensity physical exercise: cardio, resistance training, playing sports, etc.
  • Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): walking, typing, gardening, fidgeting
  • Maintaining homeostasis: the normal function of organ systems –breathing, regulating body temperature, circulation, etc.

To lose weight effectively, you need to burn more energy than you eat – that’s called a ‘calorie deficit’. After losing weight, to keep it off, your energy intake and expenditure should balance out. Making changes to your diet and exercising more can help you lose weight, but you have to stick with these changes to keep the weight off.

Taking a holistic approach to weight loss

Taking a balanced approach to losing weight by focusing on healthy eating, regular exercise, and doable lifestyle tweaks can lead to better and lasting results. While what you eat plays a big role in shedding pounds, sticking to a consistent and sustainable workout plan can help prevent gaining the weight back. Exercise isn’t just about slimming down – it also builds and tones muscles, boosts your fitness levels, improves sleep and mood, and lowers the risk of getting hurt.

When you lose weight too quickly, like with crash diets or pills, you’re losing both fat and muscle. Since muscles burn calories, when you go back to your normal eating habits, your body doesn’t burn as many calories as it did before. Without a plan to maintain your weight loss, this can lead to gaining back even more weight.

Tips for long-term weight Loss management plan

Behavior and lifestyle modifications are the keys to weight loss maintenance. We recommend entering into your plan with clear, realistic objectives while remembering to be kind to yourself if or when you deviate. A healthy diet and a mixture of high- and low-intensity exercise will be your tools for weight management longevity. Below, we will take you through some nutritional tips and Let’s Get Fit workouts that you can integrate into your plan.

Cardio workouts

For adults aged 18 to 64, it is recommended that you perform 2.5 to 5 accumulated hours of moderate physical activity per week or 1.25 to 2.5 accumulated hours of high-intensity physical activity per week (or an equivalent combination of both).9 Ideally, this should also be spread over the course of the week to minimise sedentary time. For some, this may feel difficult to achieve, which is where the community and qualified instructors at Let’s Get Fit step in. Several 45-minute cardio workouts can help you smash this goal with explosive movements that target all areas of the body.

Strength training

Strength training is super important for losing weight, and you should try to do it at least 2 days a week. Our Let’s Get Fit resistance workouts are great for building muscle, which helps prevent losing muscle when you lose weight quickly. Plus, having more muscle keeps your bones and joints safe from getting hurt, especially as you get older. Our expert-led workouts give you a full-body workout to strengthen and tone your muscles. They also help your body burn more calories after you’re done exercising, even when you’re just doing everyday stuff like walking or sitting.

Eat a balanced diet and avoid ‘elimination’

Eating habits like trendy diets or cutting out whole food groups usually don’t work well in the long run. It’s good to eat less sugar, saturated fats, and alcohol for your health, but completely ditching certain food groups can cause problems later when you try to bring them back into your diet. Also, thinking of food as a “reward” or using words like “cheat” can make you feel bad about eating and start a bad cycle. Instead, try to eat a mix of foods that are good for you, like ones with lots of fibre and nutrients, and cut back on processed stuff. If you’re changing your diet to manage your weight, it’s smart to talk to a dietitian for expert advice.

If you’re ready to kick start your weight loss management plan, visit Let’s Get Fit